Busan International Architecture Design Workshop (BIADW)
BIADW is an international academic program intended to encourage rigorous research and ideas creation of architecture major students from both domestic and overseas universities.
- Planned site : Dongnaeeupseong Fortress Site, Bokcheon-dong area in Dongnae-gu, Busan
- Date : August 20 to 24, 2013 (5 days including one day of Busan architecture tour)
- Venue : International Center, Dong-A University Bumin Campus
- Participants : About 120 people including the students majoring in architecture or related studies from domestic or overseas universities and the persons concerned [84 students (43 Koran & 41 international) and 13 tutors from 6 countries]
- Host : Busan Metropolitan City, BIACF
- Supervisor : BIACF, Dong-A University
- Busan Metropolitan City Mayor Award : Turn around, Share the ground |Wu Tai-Jung, Gao Yixi, Chen Yiping |National Taiwan University of science and Technology(NTUST) (Taiwan)
- Dong-a University President Award :
ㆍOVERLAPPING |Liu Shiqing, Li Wan |Tsinghua University (China)
ㆍGATE FOuR |Choi Eun-hee, Yum Jin-Min |Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)
- BAF Executive Director Award :
ㆍDONGNAE CONNECTION|Chen Yong, Hsueh Yin-Tuan, Li Jianshuang|National Taiwan University of science and Technology(NTUST) (Taiwan)
ㆍTIME HEALER WALKWAY|Zhang Bo, Cui Min|Tsinghua University (China)
ㆍARCH-AEOLOCAL REVIVAL|Azuma Shinya, Yanagida Mai, Hinoki Shinnichiro|Keio University (Japan)
- 4Th Prize :
ㆍCould they live together?|Byeon Hwa-Eum, Park jee-Eun, Kim Min-Ah|Pusan National University (Korea)
ㆍMARKET as A GATE|Lee Seung-Min, Yoo Min-Ji, Seo Jun-Heuk|Pukyeong National University (Korea)
ㆍ무제|Zomer judit, van Brunschot sofie, Kaspers Hyun Vin|Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
ㆍTHE HUB|Kaakani Hisham, Badi Amer, Awadin Ahmed, Woo Seung Yeon|American University of Dubai (Dubai)
ㆍURBAN MICRO SYSTEM|Meng Xiangting, Bai Shuyu, Feng Xiaochen, Weng Hao|Central Academy of Fine Arts (China)
ㆍRegenerate History in Locality|Shin Yong-Sun, Lee Eun-Jeong, lee Ji-Won|Ewha Womans University (Korea)