Design Workshop
We host academic and lecture programs to consistently ponder about architecture and the city and to seek alternatives to relevant issues.
We host academic and lecture programs to consistently ponder about architecture and the city and to seek alternatives to relevant issues.
Busan International Architecture Design Workshop (BIADW)
BIADW is an international academic program intended to encourage rigorous research and ideas creation of architecture major students from both domestic and overseas universities.
Outline of event
  • - Theme : Sharing and Regenerating
  • - Planned site : Dongnaeeupseong Fortress Site, Bokcheon-dong area in Dongnae-gu, Busan
  • - Date : August 20 to 24, 2013 (5 days including one day of Busan architecture tour)
  • - Venue : International Center, Dong-A University Bumin Campus
  • - Participants : About 120 people including the students majoring in architecture or related studies from domestic or overseas universities and the persons concerned [84 students (43 Koran & 41 international) and 13 tutors from 6 countries]
  • - Host : Busan Metropolitan City, BIACF
  • - Supervisor : BIACF, Dong-A University
  • - Busan Metropolitan City Mayor Award : Turn around, Share the ground |Wu Tai-Jung, Gao Yixi, Chen Yiping |National Taiwan University of science and Technology(NTUST) (Taiwan)
  • - Dong-a University President Award :
    ㆍOVERLAPPING |Liu Shiqing, Li Wan |Tsinghua University (China)
    ㆍGATE FOuR |Choi Eun-hee, Yum Jin-Min |Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)
  • - BAF Executive Director Award :
    ㆍDONGNAE CONNECTION|Chen Yong, Hsueh Yin-Tuan, Li Jianshuang|National Taiwan University of science and Technology(NTUST) (Taiwan)
    ㆍTIME HEALER WALKWAY|Zhang Bo, Cui Min|Tsinghua University (China)
    ㆍARCH-AEOLOCAL REVIVAL|Azuma Shinya, Yanagida Mai, Hinoki Shinnichiro|Keio University (Japan)
  • - 4Th Prize :
    ㆍCould they live together?|Byeon Hwa-Eum, Park jee-Eun, Kim Min-Ah|Pusan National University (Korea)
    ㆍMARKET as A GATE|Lee Seung-Min, Yoo Min-Ji, Seo Jun-Heuk|Pukyeong National University (Korea)
    ㆍ무제|Zomer judit, van Brunschot sofie, Kaspers Hyun Vin|Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
    ㆍTHE HUB|Kaakani Hisham, Badi Amer, Awadin Ahmed, Woo Seung Yeon|American University of Dubai (Dubai)
    ㆍURBAN MICRO SYSTEM|Meng Xiangting, Bai Shuyu, Feng Xiaochen, Weng Hao|Central Academy of Fine Arts (China)
    ㆍRegenerate History in Locality|Shin Yong-Sun, Lee Eun-Jeong, lee Ji-Won|Ewha Womans University (Korea)